Organizational Social Responsibility – May, 2012
The training will deal with awareness rising on OSR, the Organizational Social Responsibility, or also the Open Social Responsibility. It will include the following chapters:
- Introduction From sustainable development to Social Responsibility
- OSR,the shift from Sustainable Development to Organizational Social Responsibility.
- Then a legitimate question: Is OSR just a fad ? explains why OSR is not just a fashionable gimmick.
- How to set-up an OSR policy: introduction to the practical steps to define and implement an OSR policy
Module 1
From sustainable development to Social Responsibility. This chapter presents the introduction to OSR (Organizational Social Responsibility).2 key aspects are tackled in this introduction:
- The Environmental stakes
- The North-South inbalance
Module 2
From sustainable development to Social Responsibility. This is the first chapter of Module 1. It presents the shift from Sustainable Development to Organizational Social Responsibility and to Open Social Responsibility.2 key aspects are tackled in this first chapter:
- What is sustainable development (SD) ?
- Principles of social responsibility (CSR to OSR)
Module 3
From sustainable development to Social Responsibility. This second chapter of Module 1 explains why OSR is not just a fashionable gimmick.5 key aspects are presented in this chapter:
- A changing context
- Impetus from multinational organizations
- Example: Position of French public sector organizations
- The growing influence of public opinion and NGOs
- Pressure from socially responsible investment
Module 4
From sustainable development to Social Responsibility.This third chapter introduces the practical steps to define and implement an OSR policy.
A. Управление на околната среда: Системен подход.
- ISO 14001 - сертифициране
- EMAS - декларация за околната среда
- Технически допълнения по ISO 14001
Б. Управление на околната среда: Продуктов подход
- Анализ на жизнения цикъл (Cycle Life Analysis - CLA)
- На практика
- Екоетикет и авто-декларация
В. И други