The current material is taken from sources of EFQM :
First Steps with the Model ЕФКМ
What is it ? What can you get ?
This free resource has been created to be your first introduction to the EFQM Excellence Model. Here, you will not only learn about our Model’s 9 Criteria, but you will also be able to download a practical tool to perform an initial assessment of your organisation. In addition, for people with experience, you can share your knowledge with us by adding your comments and modifying our text.
Why use our Model ?
If you are not familiar with the EFQM Model but you are willing to improve your organisation, this is the first step to get started! As previously stated, this is the first approach towards Excellence, it is a simple tool and doesn’t require any pre-existing knowledge of EFQM and its Model.
How to use this website ?
It is easy to use. You have links to each criterion, you just have to click on it! Once you are in a criterion, you will find its main characteristics, so that you will be able to start the change in your organisation !
There is also a Glossary of Terms to help you better understand the meaning of the expressions EFQM uses. Also, there is a "Benefits of using the EFQM Excellence Model" page where you will discover the positive effects of deploying the Model in your organisation and you will be able to share with us the specific benefits for your organisation.
Moreover, you have the great opportunity to assess your performance in each criterion, so don’t waste the opportunity to know how good you are and what you need to do in each area.
How to share your knowledge ?
An additional aim of this site is to share knowledge. We want you to contribute your knowledge. Once you are a registered user, you can add text to each page of this site, insert comments in every page and add attacments. So, don#8217t hesitate and show everyone your knowledge!.
Why an assessment ?
Our Assessment templates have been created to enable you to assess the performance of your organisation. Assessment is essential within the philosophy of EFQM. To reach a desired excellent performance, you need to know where you are now, so that you will identify the required changes and actions to start the journey towards Excellence.
Why EFQM ?
For the past twenty years we have shared what works between our member organisations as a way to help them implement their strategies: a mission which is as important as ever.
Through our network of over 500 ambitious members comprising private and public organisations of every size and sector, many active around the world, EFQM applies its know-how and extracts outstanding approaches by engaging with executives and front-line managers.
So, if you want to learn from the best and share your knowledge with others, don#8217t hesitate and join us!

The EFQM Excellence Model represented in the diagram above is a non-prescriptive framework based on nine criteria. Five of these are "Enablers" and four are "Results". The "Enabler" criteria cover what an organisation does. The "Results" criteria cover what an organisation achieves and how it does it. "Results" are caused by "Enablers" and "Enablers" are improved using feedback from "Results".
The arrows emphasise the dynamic nature of the Model, showing innovation and learning helping to improve the Enablers that, in turn, lead to improved Results.
Each of the nine criteria has a definition, which explains the high level meaning of that criterion.